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Unattended sudden fire at a cattle farm (The positive pressure SCBA)

Unattended sudden fire at a cattle farm (The positive pressure SCBA)

Have netizen has March 27, zhangjiakou koho county north commissioner a cattle farm near a fire, no one in the home, according to the net friend don’t know what’s the cause of the fire, and quite windy today, the fire spread quickly, around the crowd found immediately after the fire alarm, fortunately, firefighters arrived in time, did not cause large fires.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation. Kangbao is windy and dry in spring. The cattle farm is full of hay, a spark can cause a large area of burning, fortunately timely detection of the alarm, otherwise it will cause greater damage. When no one is out of the house, be sure to check whether the electrical appliances have been turned off.

A few days ago in zhangjiakou has occurred several fires, need to cause everyone’s attention, especially in the place where there are a large number of flammable items, must always keep fire control items, in a timely manner to put out the fire after the occurrence of a fire. In the daily use of fire frequent places, to timely check whether the line aging.

Fire and water are merciless, everyone’s fire safety awareness or to enhance, in the first encounter fire remember to firefighters for help. Firemen need to wear A called air respirator when rescue equipment, the male GB air respirator DS – RHZKF6.8 / A is A high quality air breathing apparatus, it is by the comprehensive cover, pressure heads up display device, air supply valve, cylinder, belt table cylinder valves, pressure reducing valve, high pressure tube, medium pressure tube, of the back, the alarm whistle and electronic pressure gauge.

The Doseem air respirator ds-rhzkf6.8 /A is one of the air respirators produced by Doseem company. Doseem security technology (Shanghai) co., ltd. specializes in the production of air respirators. In addition, Doseem air also produces other security products.

Click here to know more about SCBA

This post was last modified on 2019年3月28日 下午9:36


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